Monday, March 8, 2010


For a necessary definition, it would only be possible since that if it defines what is the ethics, because is about a concept that always multifaceted and was vulgarized. It has diverse conceptions of what it is the ethics, as well as, diverse premises of what it would be the ethics most ideal. The ethics, either what it will be, alone can rigorously inside be defined of a method of thought or the practical moral of the life human being. These concepts of ethics are innumerable and even so they can always have coesos points, the experience sample that to arrive at a concept only or consensual in all the directions is practically impossible. In other words, an only concept of ethics does not exist, therefore, as the ethics are seen are not simply an exponential one of values, nor it is simply a set of rules. It is given credit that the ethics are a rational conscience of the action necessity, existing and practised where it will allow things among others to understand the moral values of each human being. The ethics are conceived as a moral monitoring, are specialized in a set of rules of focada behavior in such a way in, personal side as in the professional. No longer professional field I stand out that this not only aims at good the practical one of the function, as well as the preservation of the image of the proper professional and its category, is, therefore a specific type of evaluation or performance. In this context the ethics do not have universal value, and yes individual, that is basic, because it elapses of the proper action of this. As the ethics would be the orientation of the action of an individual from the elements presented in the nature of this individual, any ethical orientation valley in function of an individual necessity and cannot be transplantada for another individual, will be really necessary to analyze the individual nature and its especificidades. Each ethical bedding is most individual and it cannot be transferred artificially to another person, without considering the individual nature of this another one. If what he is ethical to somebody it is tax for another person, without considering the nature of this another person, of beforehand already does not have why to consider ethical validity for the same thing. The ethical analysis is not prerogative of no authority, because it is a rational analysis of all human being. Thus the ethics and the politics are dividing reciprocal and that they act as referenciais for relations in the society. Of soon they involve the actions, the attitudes and the respect with that the politicians iram to deal the society. It is necessarily in this context between the Ethics and the Politics is that we can nullify the search of reverse speed-alignment of promises made in electoral campaigns, where considers solutions for the desires and the urgencies of the society and as this literally is rank in practical. Today the concern politics this engaging in the direction of a society eticamente regulated well against the discriminations, the breakings of the human rights, the corruption, the enormous social differences that seem instransponíveis. It has many years the society is bombed with a gamma of information, that in other countries, already would have served for the destruction of any government, beyond placing behind the gratings one high number of involved in the scandals. However, here, we go living of CPI in CPI, beyond few disabilities for, simply, if to give to some satisfaction the public opinion and the society as a whole. The money subserviente of the public state treasury, that could be disponibilizado in the health, security, habitation and that it would go to minimize the necessity of millions of people, has total indifference politician, is not applied adequately. This lack of Ethics has only aggravated government after government, seen the so great corporativismo between politicians of all the shades, that is, partisan legends. It will be that somebody doubts the agreements politicians, at least, suspicious tendenciosos and that already politicians in the country had favored all? It is only enough to see and to hear the reporters! We will never know the size of the provoked financial gap in the last few decades, but paradoxicalally we know that in this year new elections had happened, where the society is seen as a number, of preference of the voter heading. Let us remember that we are in one year of real importance for all the Brazilians. One year where we go, to the ballot boxes to choose our representatives again. Therefore never it is excessively to ask for caution, to ask for detailed analysis of the proposals and, above all, to ask for ethics of the politicians in the hour to ask for its vote. We have science of that really engaged candidates with the yearnings of the society exist and that they deserve to have a possibility, that is, a chance politics. Although the chaotic situation in all the directions, social, economic, cultural and politician, is possible to move, but society to give this new possibility to it is necessary to bet in a new image politics that would be of one: Ethical politician or of an Ethical Politician. But this new entrepreneur politician, has to have efficient and efficient proposals. Not to use fancies or masks of a marketing maken a mistake politician. To have in its eleitoreiros speeches a fruitful, incipient and realizable rhetoric. We are certain that the electoral college of São Paulo is sufficiently significant, therefore has to have a position condizente with its representation politics. In a Strategy of Marketing Politician she is necessary to know how much its candidates know the problems of its city and present viable and feasible proposals. Therefore voters, distrust of miraculous plans of marketing and give to preference the ones that say how much it costs each promise. The ideas are very important, but they cannot be ambiguous, them they must be evaluated and be contrasted with the bibliography and the description politician of each candidate. Perhaps he has abstention of ethics on the part of many politicians, joining the lack of information and the ignorance of the voters he is that they feed a deturpada vision of mediation and the incompetence demonstrated for diverse Brazilian politicians in the present time The solution is to adopt criteria that give to a panoramic vision of its politician (representative) and of the value of its vote! It looks for to understand the ideology of each partisan legend, but above all it knows deeply which is its Ethics Politics!